Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pajama Movie Party

Half of our usual Friday crew was indisposed yesterday, and it poured rain all day, so we decided to have a movie night with Ruby's family. Norah got up from her nap and insisted upon wearing her Buzz Lightyear pj's because "Ruby will like them." We headed over there only to discover that Ruby was wearing her pj's as well (she had been to a Polar Express party at her mom's school earlier in the day). Either 1) Ruby and Norah share the same brain, 2) Norah has a sixth sense, or 3) she's been paying attention this past week when Ruby talked about the pajama party she was going to go to.

Regardless of the reason, the 2 of them were beyond cute. I realized that I don't get to see just the 2 of them interact very often and they are hilarious. They pick and squabble like any kids who spend a lot of time together, but they are also incredibly compassionate and loving to each other. They played for a while (mostly supermarket shopping and watering the fake poinsettia).

They got to pull the cushions off of the couch (while singing the Monkeys Jumping on the Bed rhyme), and when Beauty and the Beast started, they took a break and cuddled up.

These 2 are serious movie junkies.

I wish I had the video camera on me because during the scene in which Belle and Beast share their first dance, they both screamed "this is my song" and proceeded to slow dance with each other-Ruby was Belle and Norah was Beast and then they switched. Slow dancing involved holding hands and walking in a circle (think ring around the rosy) while yelling the refrain of the song at the top of their lungs.

Ruby's mom gave Norah a jingle bell off the tree and she shook it and demanded I sing Christmas carols to her the entire ride home. I didn't mind one bit.

Thanks S's for a fun night in.


Maryellen said...

That's really sweet. I loved Norah's reasoning for wearing the Buzz Light Year pajamas. Sometimes I think we all should be more like kids. They're such sweet, genuine little people.

Tucker said...

This is so cute. N's pj's are adorable.