Tuesday, January 11, 2011

About Last Night

I suck at sleeping. No, really. I SUCK at sleeping. Even when I am not pregnant, I suck at sleeping a lot of the time, but it is now really starting to get ridiculous. I am waking 4 to 5 times a night just to pee and then getting back to sleep is proving to be impossible. Throw in some difficulties on the part of BVZ and Norah and we are pretty much complete disasters. Here's a little taste of our night last night:

8:30 pm: Norah goes to bed. (It has become more and more of a fight to get her to settle down at night-and then she wants to sleep until 9:00 am. Which on the weekends is awesome, weekdays, not so much).

10:30 pm: BVZ and I go to bed. His back has been acting up, so he takes a painkiller and falls asleep within 13.2 seconds of being in bed. I toss and turn for about 30 minutes before giving up and folding a basket of laundry and watching tv. I mean, those episodes of Hoarders aren't just going to watch themselves.

12:00 am: I pee for the 400th time and drag myself into bed where I fall asleep relatively quickly.

2:00 am: I wake up and cannot get back to sleep. It doesn't help that I have a bad cold and ear infection right now. It also doesn't help that I can't get the theme song to Calliou out of my head. I start to have an anxiety attack (really) that I will never be able to sleep again. My tossing wakes up BVZ who rubs my back and strong arms me into taking a Benadryl for my cold and Tylenol for my ear (I did go to the doctor on Saturday and because it's an outer ear infection they can only prescribe steroid/antibiotic drops which are Class C and thus no bueno for Funkhouser. So, I suffer). He falls asleep while rubbing my back and starts to snore very softly. I am in fear of total meltdown and so I get the fuzzy blanket from the couch and lay down on Norah's new big girl bed (she hasn't moved into the new room yet because it isn't finished). I manage to fall asleep despite the fact that I can't get the Alanis Morrisette song 'Ironic' out of my head.

4:30 am: I wake up to Norah screaming, 'MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM! I need you!!' I rush to her room and she is inconsolable. Her room looks really different now because we are in operation room change mode and I think there are some strange shadows on the wall. She calms down and asks to go potty, so we walk into the bathroom and I flip on the light. She loses her mind at how the bright light hurts her eyes and I have to spend 10 minutes calming her down before she will pee. She then goes and gets her pillow and blanket and crawls into our bed. Everyone tosses and turns for about 10 minutes before BVZ decides that his back hurts and he's going to go lay down on the living room floor. Norah pats my face and hair and wants to hear 35 stories before snuggling into my right armpit and falling asleep.

5:30 am: I wake up and NORAH IS NO LONGER IN THE BED WITH ME. I bolt out of bed (which let me tell you, isn't easy these days), and start screaming her name. Turns out she is in the living room with BVZ. He's telling her some story about ducks and trying to convince her to go back to bed and she's patting his head and face and telling him she wants to play with her Lincoln Logs.

6:00 am: I fall back asleep despite the fact that I need to get up again in about 45 minutes.

7:45 am: I wake up for good, an hour after I am supposed to. Turns out that BVZ and Norah never went back to sleep, rather they played quietly so as not to wake me up and had breakfast.

9:00 am: We all stumble out of the house, really, really, really late. And everyone is exhausted.

Know any insomnia remedies that don't involve drugs? Send 'em my way.


Stephanie said...

That just sucks, I can offer no advice, just empathy.

Tucker said...

That Alanis can be a real beeatch sometimes. How about a long walk, hot shower, and the relaxation CD before bed?

JAMS' HOUSE said...


Reading a boring book helps me go to sleep.

Kristin said...

I bought a sound machine - it's no cure-all, but the white noise does help. Don't get into bed after a hot shower - make sure your body temperature lowers first. Get in bed before BVZ? Getting frustrated that he's sounding sleeping next to you doesn't help. I've also tried counting down from 500. It's worked maybe three times out of a dozen, but it does keep a racing mind focused on something.

Maryellen said...

Poor cousin. That sucks.

Jennifer said...

Damn that Calliou song - it's impossible to get it out of your head.
Maybe sleeping in separate rooms or on the couch for now?