Saturday, May 07, 2011


Easter was a million years ago. Does anyone still care? I am not sure, but I would feel remiss in not making some effort to recap the holiday weekend. The long and the short of it is that: 1) egg dying with an almost 3 year old isn't really that fun; 2) after begging for weeks and weeks for a Bullseye in her Easter basket, Norah did in fact get a Bullseye in her Easter basket. And she couldn't have cared less; 3) we have awesome friends.

Norah and I celebrated Good Friday by dying Easter eggs. Or rather, I dyed the eggs and she ate them.

And threw a big, giant, baby fit when I wouldn't let her eat one with the shell on.

Here's our finished product.

Lou was similarly not impressed.

On Saturday we attended the first birthday party for one of our very favorite little guys. Of course, I managed not to take a single picture.

Saturday night was a bad Louis night and BVZ and I both woke up, ahem. Grumpy. We tried to snap out of it as we watched Norah hunt for Easter eggs, but it didn't help our dispositions when she would find an egg, shake it to see if there was anything inside, eat whatever was inside, and then throw the empty egg on the floor, demanding more m&m's. Things got even worse when I tried to take a nice picture of the two crankiest kids of all times.

Louis got a pass (after all, he's only a baby), but Norah got told (with regard to the non-stop whining) to "zip it and throw away the key." She thought it was funny and cheered up a bit.

Our friends the R's and L-J's came over for an egg hunt and lunch and things definitely turned themselves around. The kids had a great time playing (even though the weather made our fun outside hunt into a lame inside one), and we took advantage of a quick break in the rain to let them wreak havoc in the back yard.

Sweet girls.

We just grilled hamburgers and our guests supplemented things in a big delicious way.

Norah and C wrapped things up by tearing around the house wearing their "egg noses."

Fun, fun, day.


k-dog studios said...

yes, we do have awesome friends! thanks for hosting...and with a 2 mos. old. You guys are amazing. And totally cute pictures of the girls.

Maryellen said...

I can't believe you wouldn't let Norah eat an egg's just a shell ;). I'm happy you recapped Easter!

Natalie said...

Just this week someone said something about my hosting abilities and I said it was easy with a 3.5 year old but that I wasn't even able to make a salad until Spencer was 15 months old. Huge, major props for hosting with 2 kids with 1 of them being an infant.

I'm glad you did the belated recap. It was fun to read.