Monday, May 30, 2011

Louis: Three Months

We are finally starting to emerge from the newborn haze and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Actually, I shouldn't be so dramatic. Louis may be the world's best baby. He is sweet, cuddly, and totally mellow. We may do 3 loads of his (and my) laundry a day and he may still be waking up twice a night to eat, but that pales in comparison to his huge smile and sunny disposition.

I weighed him on the 28th before his bath and he is clocking in at 13 lbs and 9 ozs. Not huge, but not tiny either. Ironically enough (those who have suffered through my Norah-doesn't-eat-enough-paranoia will certain roll their eyes at this point), I have often wondered if he eats TOO much. Lou loves his formula and is easily putting away 32 to 36 ounces a day. Which means he is only 3 months old and is already eating us out of house and home. Kid doesn't have a college fund yet because his grocery bill is off the charts. The barfing seems to have slowed down somewhat, but maybe it's just that we are getting used to it.

He is long and lean, just like his sister, but he is definitely starting to get the chubby upper thighs, which I love. He has the longest toes, fingers, and eyelashes. He also apparently has huge, ahem, boy parts. I didn't really think anything of it because my exposure to little baby boy parts has been pretty limited, but Amy commented on it when she was here and the other day my friend Tara came over for a visit in the middle of a diaper change and said, "HOW did they miss that thing on 3 different ultrasounds??" Ha. Louis, if you are reading this in 10 years and are completely humiliated, well. I apologize.

I can confidently say that I am his favorite person. I can get the biggest, gummiest smile out of him, and he makes me smile just as much. This one may be his number two:

Norah is a great kid, but she's also a great big sister. I wasn't sure how it was all going to shake down, but she's been nothing but kind and loving to him since the moment he arrived. I am sure things will change once he can get into her things and what-not, but she really genuinely loves him and that's beyond awesome.

Lou is a good daytime sleeper (knocking on wood). He takes 3 consistent and solid naps a day, and a cat nap thrown in there somewhere for good measure. I would prefer he sleep in his crib or the co-sleeper during the day, but he prefers his papasan seat. He can sleep through just about anything, which is a good thing around here. He has started to grab onto things and likes to hold something while he sleeps and/or rides in the car. He hasn't shown a true preference for any one lovey just yet, except maybe for Norah's hair.

He's got the same gorgeous blue eyes and alabaster skin as his sister. In certain light his hair looks very red and in other light it looks very blond. He also has awful cradle cap, though, so it is probably just brown.

Bath time is probably still the best part of his day. He likes toys and kicking around on the floor and sitting in his bumbo seat. I am trying harder to incorporate more books into his daily routine, which mostly consists of him sitting on my lap while I read Norah the 9,000 books she demands on any given afternoon. He doesn't hate the car seat and seems to enjoy stroller rides. I feel like he sits in his papasan chair way more than Norah ever did and as a result I am paranoid about flat head (shocking, I know), so while we are out and about I try to wear him as much as possible. He tolerates it but doesn't love it. I have high hopes that once he can face out in the carrier he will be way more into it. You would think we were water boarding him every time we do tummy time by the way he carries on about it. Thankfully, he seems to have great head and neck control despite his complete and total refusal to work on it (the bumbo certainly helps).

He "talks" all of the time and Norah likes to translate. The other day she told me he said butterfly in Spanish.

We love you, Lou.


Natalie said...

I am jealous of all my friends with blue eyed kids. My mom and brother have blue eyes but my dad, me and Michael are all green. Green + green = green I think, even when there is blue in the family.

JAMS' HOUSE said...

He's too cute!

Maryellen said...

You are one crazy woman talking about Lou's boy parts. That's hilarious! BVZ must be so proud...or jealous. ;)

You really do have two sweet kids. I'm so happy you procreated!