Monday, April 25, 2011

Two Peas In A Pod

Yesterday evening I wanted to go on a walk and asked BVZ and Norah if they wanted to go with me. They both said yes. I put on my jacket and shoes, got Lou strapped to me in the carrier and was ready to go. In true BVZ fashion, he:
  • put on his shoes and jacket
  • peed
  • changed a light bulb
  • moved a load of his laundry from the washer to the dryer
  • checked some sports score on his phone
  • updated his Words With Friends games
  • drank a glass of water
  • peed again
  • set some sports event on the DVR
And then he was ready to go. Norah is just freaking like him. In the same amount of time she:
  • put on her shoes and jacket
  • peed
  • asked for another cupcake (I said no)
  • put her babies to bed
  • told me Bear needed to pee
  • changed her shoes
  • checked on her little girls
  • asked again for a cupcake (again, no)
  • asked me to read her a book
  • tried to climb in the exersaucer that is currently in the living room
It literally takes an hour to get out of house with those two and often times it frustrates me to no end how similar they are. Finally I said, "Norah, let's GO, you are making me bananas." And she said, "MOM, for Christ's sake, I am coming!"

I guess she's more like me after all.


k-dog studios said...

still laughing about the 'zip it...throw away the key' comment. Classic!

Natalie said...

Laughing. So hard.

That was priceless.

On a similar note, I tease Michael all the time because we'll sit down to eat dinner and he suddenly finds all this stuff that needs to be done. We're eating and he's in the bathroom cleaning the grout.

Kristy said...

I love it! I guess I can appreciate it because my husband operates on the same schedule. I am totally a grab n go kind of girl - and he is TOTALLY NOT! Ugh! I feel your pain!

Tucker said...

Hahahahahahahahaha mini Janet!