Friday, April 29, 2011

Louis: Two Months

And just like that, two months have flown by. Louis continues to be our sweet, mellow, barfing baby. He had his two month well baby visit on Monday and is weighing in at 11 lbs., 8 ozs., which puts him at about 25% and 23 inches long, which puts him somewhere between the 25 and 50%. He's kind of a little guy, but a big ole ball of love.

He is really starting to come out of the sleepy newborn stage and loves stroller rides, baths, rattles, and his play gym. He hates diaper changes and being on his tummy for any longer than 15 seconds. Norah is by far his favorite person and he gives her his biggest, gummiest smiles. He is still waking every three hours at night, which is about to drive his parents batty, and I have to change my shirt and his outfit on average 5 times a day (due to the barf), but his chill disposition more than makes up for it.

When he wants something he isn't getting he sticks out that bottom lip like nobody's business.

His hair is brown in the back and strawberry blonde in the front, so we are interested in seeing how it turns out. He has the same amazing dark blue eyes as his sister and I think he favors me looks wise in the same way that Norah favored BVZ at this age. Norah couldn't love him more and we are so thankful that the transition from 3 to 4 has gone so well, at least from her perspective. She tells me every day she is glad he is part of the family.

I couldn't agree more.


Natalie said...

Spencer at almost 6 months was maybe 3 ounces more than Louis at 2months. Talk about small.

Hope the barfing gets better now that he's out of the newborn phase.

Tucker said...

Happy 2 months Louie! We love you, and your 70's rainbow roller skater looking sister too. Ha!