Sunday, April 10, 2011

Baby Needs an Intervention

Norah's baby Rapunzel had something black (probably from the park or the floor of a public restroom) all over her mouth. She asked me what was wrong with her and I said she had probably been huffing too much. She then proceeded to ask BVZ what huffing was and I got reprimanded for being the world's most inappropriate parent.

He told her that Rapunzel probably ate too many chocolate chip cookies. That's not nearly as interesting.


Kristin said...

In any case, she'll be watching reality medical dramas with you by age 5. And Jersey Shore. Because I'm sure it will still be on.

Stephanie said...

I gotta go with BVZ on this one, however, you will be the "totally cool mom" when she gets to high school

Nita_Gilger said...
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Maryellen said...

Your inappropriateness makes me laugh.

Tucker said...

The best is that you linked the word huffing. Ha!