Monday, February 21, 2011

Funkhouser Update: Week 38

Funkhouser will be here in less than a week. I love having a definite end date. I mean, I know at some point every pregnancy ends, but if I had to sit and wonder when that would be I would be even crazier than I already am. Part of me desperately wants to get this show on the road, but a much bigger part of me is hoping Funky stays in place until Monday because: 1) I really, really want my OB to deliver him (as opposed to the on-call OB from her practice); 2) Bubby doesn't get here until Sunday morning; and 3) we couldn't get an appointment to install the car seats until March 1.

I can't sleep for shit. There's no other way to describe it. I am falling asleep relatively easily (thanks to Benadryl), but am up at least 6 to 8 times a night-sometimes for 15 minutes, sometimes for 2 hours. It is really wearing me down. I am obviously physically uncomfortable, but hanging in there. I am not sure where I will find the energy to hang out with Norah all week, but I want it to be a special and fun time for her so I will suck it up and do whatever I can.

Speaking of Norah, I think she senses how much apprehension I have regarding how she will react to everything. We've both been pretty clingy. She's been waking up in the middle of the night (I am usually awake), and calling me for made up reasons-needs some water, has to pee, dropped her bear-stuff that has never woken her up before, knowing that I need her as much as she needs me and I will let her come back to bed with me. BVZ's been sleeping in the living room because he is sick of me thrashing around (and I am sick of listening to him sleep when I can't), so I haven't hesitated to let her in. I am sure that will come back to haunt me next week.

BVZ had today off because of the holiday, so we made some serious progress. I think we are pretty much ready in terms of gear. We set up the co-sleeper, finally got the car seat out of the garage today, and everything is washed, folded and put away. We are finally getting closer to a name (we aren't telling, so don't ask), which is good. I feared we would have to call him Funkhouser forever.


Nita_Gilger said...

Hoping all goes well for you guys this week and beyond. Sounds like a beautiful and difficult time. You will all survive and thrive. There is too much love there for anything else to happen. Blessings and love.

Maryellen said...

Funky's almost here!!!! I can't wait to see the little guy!