Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thirteen Months

Now that Norah is one I don't think I will be doing monthly check-ins anymore, but I thought I would share a list of all the cool shit (ahem, I mean 'interesting things') she is doing these days:
  • She pays very close attention to what I am saying (see above).
  • When you ask her if she wants to go outside she picks up and tries to put on her shoes.
  • When you say it is time for a bath she walks into the bathroom and tries to climb (fully clothed) into the tub.
  • She can flush the toilet.
  • After dinner if you say 'ready for dessert?' she squeals and reaches up to the shelf next to her high chair that has her little Earth's Best cookies.
  • It makes her furious if anyone is in a room with the door closed (ie, the bathroom) and she will bang on the door until you let her in.
  • She is great at fetch and can go get her water, her monkey, and her towel.
  • She thinks 'night night' is a funny game. I say 'time to go night night' and she laughs and lays down on the ground. Last night she wouldn't lay down and instead said 'NO nigh nigh'.
  • We have to read 9,000 books every night. I never understood parents who were like, 'no more books' and always thought, 'how could there ever be enough books?' I get it now. There can be enough books.
  • She likes to drink the water as it comes out of the faucet in the bathtub.
  • She brushes her hair after her bath every night and then likes to brush mine.
  • She pretty much dances to all music she hears, although Neil Young's 'Cinnamon Girl' is her clear favorite.
  • She knows the difference between the duck and the turtle amongst her bath toys.
  • She says 'cat' all day, every day.
  • She looks awfully cute in polka dots.


on the verge said...

What?! "Cinnamon Girl" is MY favorite song! Storkbite -- welcome to the family!

aileen said...

I disagree... I think you should keep doing the monthly updates. I think up until 2 they are growing so fast that each month there will be something new. Plus your updates are fun to read :)

Norah is sooo cool.

Maryellen said...

I love Norah updates. She's doing so much!

auntie k said...

This profile pic makes it clear she inherited your dino head.