Sunday, January 11, 2009

What Happened to My Little Fatty?

As you may remember, Lady N was quite the fatty when she was born, in the 94th percentile to be exact. A whopping 9 lbs, 3 ozs. At six months old she is weighing in at 16 lbs, which is now only the 44th percentile. Still a respectable weight, but nothing like the prize fighter we thought we had on our hands. She is still in the 78th percentile for height, and the 80th for head circumference, so her pediatrician thinks she may just be tall and thin like her dad. That I can live with. What I can't live with so much is the fact that she didn't gain a single ounce in over 6 weeks. So, as per doctor's orders, she's been upped to 3 meals of solids per day and I am letting her nurse as much during the night as she wants. I may never sleep again but it's all about Norah, right?


Jennifer said...

No worries - the solid food will certainly do the job. Once Eliza starting eating "big people" food sent went from the 50 percentile to the 70 percentile. She is still in the 95 percentile for length.

Maryellen said...

Are you guys interested in my percentile for length?