Monday, January 26, 2009

Red Ant

When my sisters and I were kids (okay, also when we were in high school...and maybe a few times last year) we played this game called 'Red Ant.' It was very sophisticated and involved crawling around on all fours and ramming each other with our heads. I am not sure where the name came from as I don't think that ants of any color head-butt each other, but that's neither here nor there. I was going to wait until Norah was at least 2 before teaching her the glory that is RA, but low and behold she figured it out on her own this morning, almost breaking my nose in the process. Good job, Norah. Good job.

(Two interesting Red Ant facts I forgot to include the first time around: 1) Norah's Aunt Amy is the reigning RA champion. Her fighting name is 'Rock Head'; 2) RA has a theme song, sung to the tune of the Pink Panther theme--'red ant, red ant, red ant, red ant, red ant, red aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnttttttt.')

1 comment:

Maryellen said...

Red Ant? Is there a video of you and the sisters doing that? If so, post it! That would be hilarious to watch!!!