Friday, January 23, 2009

Fat Man In Little Coat

Those of you who have been around for a while will remember the Tragedy of June 2008 (ie, my needing a business suit when I was 9 months pregnant). Luckily my job is one in which no dress code applies on a normal day, so I lived in maternity jeans and long sleeve t-shirts from the Gap. But, I had to do an oral argument in the First District Appellate Court last June and I was going to have to look presentable. I didn't want to spend hundreds of dollars on something I would (hopefully) only have to wear once. Of course I waited until the absolute possible minute to buy something and tried to pull of buying maternity dress pants and pairing them with a black suit coat I already owned (obviously worn unbuttoned). I tried it on like 2 nights before the argument and immediately began crying because I was clearly Fat Man In Little Coat (for those of you too sophisticated to get the 'Tommy Boy' reference, I apologize).

Anyway, FMILC is what I thought of when Norah was wearing the pajamas featured below. She really doesn't do anything in the video, so don't feel compelled to watch it past the initial pj shot.

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