Today BVZ and I took the wee one to story time at a local, independent, kids' bookstore. She LOVED it. She went around and hugged all the kids and then plopped herself down on one of the cushions to listen to the story. It was about princesses and dragons so they gave all the kids tiaras and crowns. I tried to get her a crown, but the story lady handed her a tiara before I could intervene. Oh well. The story was more for the pre-school crowd, but Norah was entranced for a good 10 minutes. Then she started licking the books on the shelf next to her so we left early.
(Pictures are of low quality because I took them with my phone. I had the camera, but BVZ refused to let me be 'that mom'. Whatever.)
You guys are cool parents.
My favorite part of your Story Time story was when Norah started licking the books. Very funny.
BVZ looks just as entranced as the other kids! No wonder why he didn't want you to take a picture.
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