Sunday, September 27, 2009

Flu Shot

Everyone in the GVZ family got a seasonal flu shot this morning. We were a little worried how Norah would react, but there was a pile of lollipops on the table and so she didn't even notice the needle. BVZ said we owed it to her to let her at least try the sucker. She got a few licks in before it mysteriously disappeared into my purse.


JAMS' HOUSE said...

So where did Norah get her flu shot. I just talked to our Drs office and they don't have it yet for kids under 3? And other Mom's at work are hearing the same thing from their Drs?

The GVZs said...

Ang--this is just for the seasonal flu (H1N1 is the one that is not out for kids under 3--I don't think we'll get that one even if it does get approved for the little ones). We went to the flu shot clinic at PAMF this weekend (our regular medical group). Every doctors office should have plenty of the seasonal flu vaccine right now.