Monday, February 11, 2013


Louis climbed out of his crib today. He cried during his nap today (I was home) and I let him fuss until it was clear he wasn't going to stop without intervention. I went into his room and he was hanging off the side of the crib, deciding whether or not to drop down. I put him back in and stood there while he climbed out again. Rinse and repeat.

Needless to say, the crib got converted to the toddler bed before bedtime. He was really into it and shouted 'big boy bed' about eight billion times. It took him a while to settle down and go to sleep and he's been up about four times already (it's just about midnight). I knew it was only a matter of time with this guy.

I am 1% sad there will never be a baby sleeping in a crib here again (at least one that belongs to me), and 99% elated that there will never be a baby sleeping in a crib here again (at least one that belongs to me).

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