Wednesday, May 06, 2009

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

The good news is that Norah has gone from a D- to a B+ formula drinker. It's not perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better than it was even a few weeks ago and I can now sleep at night knowing she isn't going to starve.

But of course, there is bad news. Norah will no longer sleep without me next to her. My theory is that the combination of 1) the lack of nursing, and 2) the usual separation anxiety babies this age tend to have, means that she is not cool sleeping alone anymore. I don't mind having her in the bed--I actually sleep better with her there, and lately she sleeps all night long. What I do mind is that her bedtime is 7:00 pm and mine is not. I love, love, love spending my day with her, but as 7:00 pm rolls around I get a little excited at the anticipation of Norah-free zone for the rest of the evening. Also, while I don't really think I would be getting tons of laundry done during her nap-time anyway, it would be nice to at least have the option (I either sit with her or take a nap myself).

So, we came up with the brilliant idea to take the frame off of our bed and push it up against the wall. That way, we could put her to sleep in our bed and not worry about her getting hurt. Doesn't it look sad (and kind of like a college student's bed)? We killed ourselves to get the frame off so that she could go to bed on time. I lay down with her and she fell asleep. And the second I left, she woke up. We played that game for about an hour and then finally I figured if I was going to have to keep going in to get her, she might as well be in the crib.

Ugh. So, now it takes about an hour to get her to go to sleep in the crib and she wakes up a handful of times before I am ready to go to bed. And our bed is in the corner with no frame. Bummer.


Button said...

We totally look like college students, too. Somebody get me a cinder block bookshelf and a Bob Marley poster, cuz I'm goin' kegging! Gotta keep the baby on the bed, though.

I'm glad to hear the formula's working for you. Breastfed is best fed, but options are awesome!! We're on to whole organic milk these days. Cheap and easy now that G's practically in preschool (not really.)

JAMS' HOUSE said...

I think its time AM has a little chat with Norah. JK. Whatever works.

Anonymous said...

It's Beth Anne, here ... not really Ms. Anonymous. I'm *sure* you're aware of this, but I have heard RAVE reviews on sleep coaches from many friends who have struggled with sleeping issues. If you need a reference, I have a girlfriend in Redwood Shores who had a great experience and her boy is a super sleeper. Don't know when they hired the coach, but I can ask. Just let me know. :)