Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Moonshine Bay

Since Aunt Amy was in town and BVZ escaped early from work, we took a late afternoon trip to Half Moon Bay, or as Amy calls it, Moonshine Bay. Usually very windy, the beach was sunny and warm with the perfect amount of breeze.

There were, however, tons of jellyfish that had washed up on the shore. They looked like plastic bags from afar.

Amy and BVZ made fun of me for bundling Norah up, but every time we had taken her there before she was freezing. Murphy's Law, I suppose.

Norah and Pancho, chillin' on the beach.

She stayed awake for most of the time we were there, but the lull of the paci and BVZ's arms finally put her out.

1 comment:

on the verge said...

It's crazy to see you guys all wearing jeans and long sleeved shirts at the beach in the middle of August! I guess my transformation to a SoCal girl is complete. I'm glad Norah appreciates the great outdoors, at any rate. And plush cows:)