Monday, November 02, 2009

Halloween Part II

Our friends Suzy, Josh and Caroline threw a fabulous party on Saturday afternoon. Suzy works full time, has a 16 month old, and is 8 months pregnant. And look at the spread she put on!

Suzy is awesome (okay, Josh is too). They made shortbread scary lady fingers!

Adam's Ribs! Get it??

I didn't even get pictures of the gallstones (homemade pork and beef meatballs), peanut butter poo (spicy thai dip), or mummy English muffins.

BVZ wore a party shirt and a viking hat.

With the exception of a pumpkin, two pirates, and a skeleton, all the kids were different animals. Which was more adorable than I could handle. Getting them all in one frame for a picture was a virtual impossibility. But, it was fun to try.

It has been so much fun watching all of these amazing kiddos grow up over the months. We wish we saw more of them more often. Suzy and Josh! Have more parties!


JAMS' HOUSE said...

Totally going to steal some of this girl Suzy's ideas.

Kristin said...

N looks like she's trying to nap one off before hitting up the party.

on the verge said...

That is just ridiculous.

on the verge said...

Basically everyone has just dressed their toddler up to be a stuffed animal. I am in awe.