Friday, April 17, 2009

An Animal Was Most Definitely Harmed in the Making of This Video

Norah loves Loretta. Loretta does not, however, love Norah. I got the camera on these two a good 3 minutes into the torment. I cannot believe Loretta tolerated it for that long.

In other news, today Norah decided to say 'da-da', 'ba-ba', 'ga-ga', and 'ca-ca' (heh) and has been saying variations of such all. day. long. (except of course when I turn the camera on). I can't believe I was ever worried about her verbal development....


aileen said...

That was hilarious! Poor Loretta. I disagree... Loretta has GOT to love Norah since she put up with all that rough play.

Isabelle Nicolas Bäck said...

Wow, Loretta may be taking a beating, but she's not running away! Maybe she's got 'gentle' confused with 'tear hair until bald'?

Maryellen said...

That had both John and me LAUGHING hard. I love the noises she was making and how she took off after Loretta. Was she being Babyzilla?

Jennifer said...

Great video . . . I am so glad to see that it is just not my child who tortures animals . . . there are others out there as well. I think that maybe Loretta and Buddy (my in -laws dog) might need therapy in order to come to terms with their infant torture trauma.

Cam said...

I was dying. I only made it to 43 seconds for fear of what was to come! I can only hope Jackson will act the same way with Emma!

JM said...

At 1:22, Norm makes the sound of the devil. It will haunt my dreams.

on the verge said...

Ooh ... Storkbite is hankerin' for a catbite. That was more like an ultimate fighting clip than her normal wrestling clip, though, and she chose a formiddable opponent at that. Balsy move, Storkbite, balsy move ...

Kristy said...

I'm glad to know there is another sweet beautiful little girl that can growl like a monster. I was beginning to worry about Olivia until I saw cutie Norah!