Last year, what should have been a 20 minute drive took over 2 hours. This year we wised up and as soon as we woke up, we headed out. The festival didn't technically start until 9:00 am, but there was a 7:00 pancake breakfast, which we figured Norah would love. We got there around 8:00 am, and I am very proud to say that it took us all of 20 minutes to get there. Plus it was really cold, so by 8:00 am we were already two for two.
Norah found this rubber duck in a bathroom drawer the other day and it hasn't left her side since. I found it in her bed this morning.
Saturday night we had dinner with Grandpa Gene and Ms. Mary where there was both good and bad news. The good news was that the Giants won the first game of the series against the Phillies, and the bad news was that I didn't take a single picture the entire evening.
On Sunday the H and W families came over to watch football and it was a great time. Again, so great that I couldn't be bothered to take a single picture. The H's have two girls-2 and 4, and the W's have a 10 month old boy. It was awesome to watch how sweet and gentle Norah was with Baby Wyatt-she kept hugging and kissing him and asking whose brother he was. Then she got bored and had a much better time playing with the H girls.
Now, Norah typically has 3 meals a day that are very well balanced and healthy. It occupies a lot of my time, effort, and money, but totally worth it. On days like today, however, I relax a bit and let things go with the flow. Over the course of the afternoon Norah had: 3 pieces of a mini Boboli cheese pizza I made; a bowlful of avocado, black bean, corn, and tomato salsa; 4,000 tortilla chips; a bunch of fruit; some jambalaya; and 2 frosted sugar cookies (the H's brought a great sugar cookie kit and the girls got to frost and decorate Halloween cookies).
It was a hectic afternoon so we chillaxed at dinner time and she got to watch an episode of Handy Manny while she ate her scrambled egg, spinach, yogurt, and toast. She wasn't really feeling it, but she needed protein and a vegetable, so she glazed over watching tv and let me shovel dinner into her mouth. We were close to the end and out of nowhere she let out a big, disgusting belch. We laughed, she said excuse me, and then I told her to finish her milk. Imagine my surprise then when she said, 'oh no, mom' and then proceeded to puke a kind of puke I have never, ever, ever seen before in my entire life. It was all pink (the yogurt was strawberry), and no joke, was the entire contents of her stomach from the past 3 days. I had this terrible moment of panic-pink puke was all over her and all over the couch, so I yelled for BVZ and the second he walked in the room she coughed and did it again. I cannot adequately describe how much vomit came out of that little girl's mouth.
Taking a picture of it would have made me a bad mom, so BVZ grabbed her arms and I grabbed her legs and we hosed her off in the tub. This is what the couch looked like after 2 rolls of paper towels and 3 wet bath towels.
I am not going to lie-I was pretty freaked out. I mean, it was a LOT of vomit. I got her pillow and bear and set her up in our bed so I could watch her all night, but to my surprise she insisted that she sleep in her own bed, by herself. I let her do it, but have already checked on her 3 times and probably will force her to sleep with me when she's too sleepy to protest.
Poor Norah.
Hope all is well.
That would freak me out too.
Maybe it was all the hay she ate. Poor pumpkin.
Vomit sucks
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