She has had an on-again, off-again cold now for months (or at least it seems like months), and lately, in addition to massive amounts of thick snot, she has been f'ing with her left ear all of the time. She pulls on it, she scratches it, she sticks her little finger in it and digs for gold. She scratched it so badly one day that she drew blood. Clearly this seems like her ear bothers her, right?* Well, I always decide after hours that she must have an ear infection so we have seen a wide variety of urgent care doctors that all assure me she is fine. When she was doing it again earlier this week, I called during the day (what a novel idea) and we got to see her actual pediatrician. She didn't have an ear infection. What she did have, however, was a MASSIVE amount of impacted ear-wax. The doctor removed it with a little tool that looked like a mini-crochet needle. It was beyond disgusting how much thick yellow wax this kid had in her left ear. Grown men who live on the streets don't have that much ear wax.
However, I am happy to report that since the removal she has left that poor ear alone and we have stayed out of urgent care.
These pictures have nothing to do with her ear, but are awesome because the other day she learned how to duck around the recliner in her room and turn her lamp on and off.
I am so relieved that Norah is not going to be a future druggy. Great job Mom!
Strange that one ear would develop so much wax over the other.
I meant to add that I think it's strange about Norah's left ear because both my ears seem to produce the same (massive) amount of wax. Is that gross and too much info?
Did you already forget that you used to violently squirt cold air up her poor little nose with the snot squeegee? That'll get her on meth, at least.
Ear wax must be a family thing. In January, they took pebbles out of my ears.
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