
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Cold Weather AT LAST!

With the exception of a few cool days, since Norah has been born it has been unbearably hot in the bay area. I know you Texas people are unsympathetic with our high 80's/low 90's, but we have no A/C and we have recently learned that our attic is containing massive amounts of hot air, keeping the house hotter than it is outside. The other day it was 85 outside, but 93 in the house. It sucks. Well, today we were down to the low 70's both inside and out and Norah got outfitted in her first pair of winter pj's. She is unsure about having her feet contained, but she looks awfully cute.


  1. I love you little bean. I guess I will just have to come back and enjoy the cool weather...

  2. She is toooooooo cute in this pic. I can't wait to meet her on Friday!!!

  3. Hey, did you know that by painting your roof white, you can cool off your house while helping decrease global warming? Cool, yes? (Quite literally.)
